Cheryl offers various types of lessons. Choose what is right for you!

Private or Semi-Private Lessons
Cheryl recommends a one hour lesson with one person and a 1 1/2 hour lesson with two people. Paddletek demonstration paddles available to try and new paddles available to purchase on site. Please note that finding rental gym space to run lessons is very difficult
Private lesson $90 / 1h
Semi-Private lesson $50 per person / 1h
Prices exclude the cost of court rental

Cheryl recommends a 2 hour lesson with four players and a 1 1/2 hour lesson for three players. Paddletek demonstration paddles available to try and new paddles available to purchase on site. Please note that finding rental gym space to run lessons is very difficult.
3 players $47 per person / 1h
4 players $35 per person / 1h
Additional players $35 / 1h
Prices exclude the cost of court rental
Cheryl will plan a group lesson for up to 50 people and bring in other high level coaches to help her. She can run a mini-tournament or design the time available to suit the wish list of the organizer. She has 50 demo paddles and 4 portable nets for these type of lessons.
Contact Cheryl for details
Payment due upon booking. Cancellation policy 3 days. Rain outs will be rescheduled.
Find out your level and select the type of lesson that fits you best!
Learning to Play
You will learn everything from the grip, serve, return of serve and net play to court movement. Fun games & drills will teach you how to score, and you will walk away ready to step on to any pickleball court playing games with confidence.
3.0 - 3.5 Level players
Cheryl will help you stop making the same mistakes over and over and help improve your game. She will teach you to move away from the banger ball game and implement more strategy and finesse to your play. She will teach strategy, positioning on the court and shot making
3.5 -4.0 Level players
Cheryl will develop your skills with drills and put them to the test during game play with instant feed back and analysis. She will work on 3rd shot drops, reset shots, fast hands at the net and aggressive play. You will improve team communication and consistency in shot making. Tournament preparation or high level drilling with the 4.0 players is also something Cheryl can do.