Prior to retiring at age 40, Cheryl ran a highly successful RESP sales and marketing agency. She hired, trained, and managed 18 sales representatives and was in the top 10 of the nation’s agencies for production in Canada. Cheryl was frequently asked to be a keynote speaker at the Regional and National Conferences covering such topics as “Creating a Positive Work Environment,” “Attaining Goals,” and “Getting the Most Out of Your People."
Her business background and understanding of what it takes to keep a team motivated, happy, and productive, along with her skill in coaching diverse groups of people, are all key components to making your pickleball corporate event a big success---for your group and your business. Cheryl’s proven techniques and strategies, added to your own, can unleash the potential of your team, helping bring your goals to reality.

Fraser Institute 48 Person Event Spring 2023
What is included?
Let Cheryl help you build a fun pickleball event for small and large groups around your budget
Pre-Event Planning
An email template will be send out to the team on how to prepare, including directions to the facility and video links to get started which members should watch prior to the event
Email communication regarding your event and ideas or questions you may have
Rental of the gym and acquisition of insurance if desired
Discussing possible awards such as Pheonix G6 paddles, paddle covers, or other prize ideas if desired
Event Day Set Up
All equipment including paddles, balls, and nets for up to 48 players will be provided
Name tags will be prepared
Tournament plan will be pre-arranged by Cheryl
Coaching & Facilitation
Cheryl Young as facilitator and coach and a co-coach brought in by Cheryl if needed
3 Hour Sample Event Schedule
09:00 am
Paddle & ball introduction
09:30 am
Dinking demonstration and dinking games at the net
10:00 am
Serve and return of serve demonstration and drills
10:30 am
Games to teach scoring and positioning
11:00 am
Round robin mini-tournament games
12:00 pm
Pick-up balls, award prizes & take photo
Corporate Events Clients
Rennie Real Estate Group
RBC Dominion Securities
Jones Lang Lasalle
Fulcrum Capital
The Fraser Institute
Manual Life/ Hub Financial
Lowtide Properties
National Bank
Grosvenor Property Americas
Client Reviews

Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL)